Online therapy for teens is a treatment option that uses digital technology to enable your teenager to meet with a trained mental health professional in a virtual setting over the internet. It is an alternative to a face-to-face meeting in the therapist’s office. Therapy sessions can be held via computer, tablet, or smartphone.

Studies have found online therapy for teens to be a viable and effective treatment alternative for various behavioral and mental health conditions such as anxiety, depression, PTSD, ADHD, and bipolar disorder.

It is particularly helpful for teenagers who are struggling with social anxiety or similar issues that make face-to-face interactions difficult. Likewise, it can make counseling more accessible for teens with busy schedules or whose local therapist selection is limited.

Benefits of online therapy for teens

Less intimidating

Most teenagers today are tech-savvy and used to chatting online. They are likely to feel less intimidated and more comfortable and receptive to interacting with a therapist virtually than face-to-face. This is especially true for those who feel embarrassed or uneasy about discussing their problems with a stranger. For them, it may be easier to open up about difficult subjects online.


Online therapy is a more convenient option, especially for teens who live in remote areas where services are limited, have mobility issues, or have no access to transportation. Geographical location is not an issue, and it is also a timesaver, as it does not require commuting to and from a physical location. Additionally, appointments can be scheduled outside of school hours and worked around your teen’s busy schedule.


Many teenagers feel ashamed or embarrassed to get the help they need because they are afraid that their peers may find out if they do. With online therapy, no one needs to know. Being able to access treatment in the comfort and privacy of their home eliminates anxiety over possible awkward encounters.

Reduced stigma

Online therapy reduces some of the barriers, such as fear of being judged or the social stigma and misconceptions surrounding mental health care, which may otherwise prevent teens from seeking the help that they need.


Online therapy sessions are often cheaper than in office ones because the therapist has fewer overhead costs.

Limitations of online therapy for teens

Technology glitches

If your internet connection goes down, you will not be able to connect with the therapist when needed or desired. The connection could be cut mid-session, leaving the teen suspended in a vulnerable or emotional moment.


Finding a quiet spot where your teen can be alone for his or her session may be a challenge for some teenagers who do not have a private space they can use. It could also be easy for someone to overhear the session without the teen knowing.

Insurance coverage

Not all medical insurance companies cover online therapy. Some only cover the cost of traditional in-person treatment.

What to look for

Therapist credentials

It is important to do a background check on the therapist’s qualifications and experience to make sure he or she has verified credentials. Additionally, make sure he or she is a licensed mental health professional who specializes in treating teens with your teenager’s specific needs, and who has experience with online therapy for teens.

Secure platform

Make sure the therapist uses secure video conferencing platforms and encrypted messaging systems to protect and ensure your teenager’s privacy and confidentiality.

Choose video-based online counseling

While texting and phone calls are also helpful, video enables the therapist to observe your teen’s body language and subtle facial expressions, which can provide important insights.


There are different types of therapies used to treat teen mental health issues. Look for a therapist whose approach aligns with your teenager’s specific needs and comfort level.

If you are interested in pursuing online therapy for your teen or learning more about it, please give our office a call today. We will be happy to connect you with one of the counselors in our clinics who does online therapy.

“Online Conversation”, Courtesy of Julia M Cameron,, CC0 License